最近都不想听新闻报道了,感觉现在的政治越来越黑暗, 有钱有势就可以横行霸道。

一个已经独立了50年的国家,还是一直维护土族, 将所有的机会,好处都给了这一批寄生虫。 你试想一想,现在的政府已经喂奶喂到他们50岁了,还没断奶, 难道要喂到他们和下一代吗? 这对其他的种族太不公平了。

今天读了一篇新闻,选举委员会去年买了一批不褪色墨水, 准备大选时进行指甲点墨的措施. 不料在大选前宣布取消这措施。 这个决定的代价可高了,为什么呢? 原因是不褪色墨水有效期已过, 如今需要销毁, 而这批不褪色墨水价值200万。 人民的200万就是被一批无头脑和没断奶的官员无计划的规划,被损失了。其实还有几百万,几千万都已经挥霍而掉落到有钱有势的人的口袋了。

还有更讽刺的是, 只有高六的学历也能当上部长;本地回教艺术学士的学历也能当上国家领袖.。



Error Import New Items in SAP Data Transfer Workbench (DTW)

Posted by Butnaa | Tuesday, February 17, 2009 | | 5 comments »


I have around 300 new items need to create in SAP business one 2005A. So I tried using Data Transfer Workbench to import the new object. However I get an error message as screen below. The business object that I choose is oItems.

The error message is "Item No. is missing [OITM.ItemCode] Application-defined or object-defined error65171".

I 'm using the CSV format for my import data files. The import template is get from the SAP DTW standard template. So I'm sure there is nothing wrong for the CSV file.


After I login to Data Workbench, at:
Step 1 - Business object, I choose oItems.

Step 2- Select data source file. I found that there are four items that i need to provide source file: Items, Item_Prices, Itemwarehosueinfo, itemcyclecount. However in DTW templates, i only found 3 example source file, there are no itemcyclecount.

Beside, I found that i have to provide a source file to "QueryParams", or else DTW will always show a message "A source file must be provided" and if not, I cannot proceed to next step.


There are something wrong with the installation of the DTW. Re-install the DTW which is same patch with SAP B1.


SAP B1 2005a, patch 39, So the DTW must also the same patch version.

I had tried to reintall the DTW with the patch version same with SAP. I can fixed the problem and successfully import the new items into SAP Item master data.


Posted by Butnaa | Sunday, February 15, 2009 | | 0 comments »

Removing Gallstones Naturally by Dr. Lai Chiu Nan (Ph.D)

Gallstones may not be everyone's concern. But they should be because we all have them. Moreover, gallstones may lead to cancer.

Cancer is never the first illness, Chiu Nan points out. "Usually, there are a lot of other problems leading up to cancer. In my cancer research in China, I came across some materials which says that people with cancer usually have gallstones."

We all have gallstones; it's a matter of big or small, many or few. One of the symptoms of gallstones is feeling of bloated-ness after heavy meal. You feel like you can't digest the food. If it gets more serious, you feel pain in the liver area."

So, if you think you have gallstones. Chiu Nan offers the following method to remove them naturally. The treatment is also good for those with a weak liver, because the liver and gallbladder are closely linked.

For the 1st 5 days, take 4 glasses of apple juice everyday or eat 4 or 5 apples, whichever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gallstones.

During the 5 days, EAT NORMALLY[Tips Recommended: Food with less oil]

On the 6th day, take no meal after 2pm and no dinner. At 6pm, take a teaspoon of Epsom Salt (magnesium sulplate) with a glass of warm water. At 8pm, repeat the same. Magnesium Sulplate opens the gallbladder ducts. [Tips: Epsom salt may be purchased at any pharmacy]

At 10pm, take 1/2 cup olive (or sesame) oils with 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice. Mix it well and drink it. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage.
[Tips: Drink slowly for better result.]

The next morning, you will find green stones in your stools when you pass motion. Usually they float.

There are people who passes 40, 50 or up to 100 stones".
[The first purge will be solely your normal output, the green stones will only come out after that".]

"Even if you don't have any symptoms of gallstones, you still might pass out some. It's always good to give your gallbladder a clean up now and then. You'll find that your digestion is much better afterwards."

[Recommended period: Once a year]